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Free Daylily Spring Dig



          If your landscape can use an unlabeled mixture of all flower colors, all forms, all flower patterns produced from the crosses of recently     introduced daylilies --- this is your opportunity.


Where: Mountain View Gardens  8840 E. Mexico Drive.

West off Parker Road, several blocks north of Iliff.

Sabine Baur, owner and hybridizer.




When:  The first dig will be Fri., Sat., Sun. on March 24, 25 and 26, from 9 am-2 pm. The 2nd date will be on Fri., Sat., and Sun. on March 31, April 1 and 2, 9 am - 2 pm. 


Bring your own spades, pitchforks and trowels and bags to carry home what you dig. Sabine will have 3 or more beds available for digging. No limit; first come, first served.


Friday, March 24th  dig is canceled due to weather.

Call Sabine for Saturday and Sunday dig schedule.

1.  You must call Sabine a day or two before you come as weather this time of year is very variable. Sabine will tell you if the garden can be dug on these dates. Rescheduling will be planned if necessary. 


2. All plants will be unlabeled plants produced by Sabine's hybridizing efforts.

For over 20 years, Sabine has grown more than 1500 different daylily varieties, laid out in about one hundred 20 feet long by 4 feet wide beds.

In addition to growing daylilies Sabine has taken the best of what she purchased and made crosses to produce new varieties that she could introduce as registered varieties of her own. Commercial hybridizing requires producing many new plants and then selecting the truly unique new ones to sell to the public.

As a general rule, for every 100 newly produced plants maybe 1 or 2 are unique enough to be registered as new varieties. What you will be digging are the remaining plants from hundreds of 'crosses' over many years.

They will be similar to what’s offered commercially; but each plant will be unlabeled and unidentified as to color, pattern, form or size. As a group, all colors, all forms and sizes are in these beds.


3. This your opportunity to get plants for mass plantings along long fence rows, neighborhood open areas, or any other place mixtures would look good.


4. A future dig is being planned around Peak Bloom (usually about July 10) where you can dig plants in bloom so you know what you are getting. There will be a modest charge for the plants you dig, depending on the size you dig. Nothing more than $15, even for huge clumps of the same flower; $5 per double fan size.


5. This peak bloom dig and take will replace our Annual Sale at Tagawa Center.


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